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Compositions 1

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Modified: July 2020

© Stefan Lakatos, 1981

Paris, Moondog (accompanied by Stefan Lakatos), 1982

by courtesy of Stefan Lakatos

The following words and lists were written by Stefan Lakatos, who tries to keep the musical heritage of his friend Moondog. Thank you very much, Stefan.

This is the first attempt to create a complete list of Moondog's compositions.
We will update as soon as more informations reach us.

We start with the Vocal Rounds. A complete list of the symphonies is in progress. Moondog began writing the 4-part vocal rounds sometime in 1950. His first one was "All is loneliness".
A notice on the first page in braille says: "First of all. Sometime in 1950. "All is" 51st. Br. 7th."

In general, Moondog was composing in cycles. The cycles of the 4-part vocal rounds consists of 8 booklets with 12 rounds in each - 12 in g minor and 12 in G Major. The plan was to compose 24 rounds in the odd beats, 5, 7, and 9 - starting with the 5/4, 5/2, 5/8 and so on. I know of 2 pieces in 7/2 from the 1950's ("You the Vandal" and "To Listen") and only one in 7/8: "With my wealth". I guess he lost interest and never completed his cycles. "Remember", the only piece I have found in the 9/4, is composed in 1968, and does not belong to the old opus.

However, he took up composing vocal rounds again in 1968. This time he felt free to write in many different meters and also using more voices than just 4-parts. The summer of 1968, a very productive year for vocal rounds, as it seems! Four madrigal books were published by Moondog, with 25 rounds in each collection. "Madrigal book 1" was recorded on the Columbia album: "Moondog II". There are several rounds selected from the braille booklets here and there, but many are also composed in 1968 or later. Three or more collections were in the making, but probably never published.
Moondog kept on composing similar rounds the rest of his life. When he settled down in Germany, he published "Navigators of the World", "Canons and couplets" and "Hardin´s Cards".
Furthermore, there is the selection from the "Mother Goose book", Moondog recorded with Julie Andrews in the 1950´s, but the complete set consists of 72 songs.
In general Moondog composed the music first and then he wrote the lyrics.

The following list is far from complete. Sadly, the majority of all his madrigals - he said he had written between 600 and 800! - are not yet translated from the the braille to this day...

So, let us start from the very beginning.

The Vocal Rounds in Braille

The eight cycles of "vocal rounds" in braille, by Moondog 1950-52.
The title given, is what is written in braille on the front page of each booklet:

01. "Vocal rounds Cycle I by Moondog 5/4 minor g sometime 1950"
02. "Vocal rounds by Moondog 5/2 minor g march 1951"
03. "Vocal rounds Cycle III by Moondog 5/4 Major G"
04. "Vocal rounds by Moondog 5/2 Major G 1951-52"
05. "Vocal rounds by Moondog 5/8 minor g 1951-52"
06. "Vocal rounds by Moondog 'The Cosmicon' 5/8 Major G"
07. "Vocal rounds by Moondog 7/4 minor g"
08. "Vocal rounds by Moondog 7/4 Major G"

01. "Vocal rounds Cycle I by Moondog 5/4 minor g, sometime 1950"

01. All is loneliness
02. I came alone into this world
03. If, on this rock, I stand alone
04. Must I love another?
05. Stunned
06. Why spend a dark night
07. There, alone I waited
08. My loneliness bound me
09. Trade your loneliness
10. Let me identify myself, now
11. I must never follow you
12. Some trust all

02. "Vocal rounds by Moondog 5/2 minor g march 1951"

01. No matter where I came from
02. You are oppertunists
03. I do not dress as I do
04. Such and such
05. Better I go
06. Who could wear out their welcome
07. Then, when recognition comes
08. One thing about life
09. I am never quiet educated
10. Think of all the thoughts
11. Down is up
12. How could I fear for my last day

03. "Vocal rounds Cycle III by Moondog 5/4 Major G"

01. Wandering, just wandering
02. Be a hobo
03. Here a while
04. Trees against the sky
05. I hunt adventure
06. Travelling by thumb
07. Wide open spaces
08. I would wager
09. Just small enough
10. School taught me
11. Yearning for the hills
12. No, the wheel was never invented

04. "Vocal rounds by Moondog 5/2 Major G 1951-52"

01. This student of life
02. This one wish
03. Looking down at the restless water
04. I picked a thorny rose
05. They speak of miracles
06. She was too beautiful
07. I am guilty
08. He knew the thrill
09. Out of the night
10. The cascade ("The Waterfall")
11. Love and hate
12. In Santa Fé

05. "Vocal rounds by Moondog 5/8 minor g 1951-52"

01. Sadness
02. Worchester
03. Boy, tie a half-knot
04. Sure, there is one thing
05. Walking along a jungle path
06. Water is dripping on my head
07. On a mountain
08. Falling
09. Once, I beheld the scull
10. Like a lowly crawdad
11. With open mouth
12. They fought with clubs

06. "Vocal rounds by Moondog 'The Cosmicon' 5/8 Major G"

01. Standing at the door of my departure
02. Kuck-coo
03. Should I love you
04. Once it was a virtue
05. Promise
06. When I die
07. I love you
08. Marriage is just a carriage
09. Thus, the clown
10. Though, I try to live
11. Music has been written
12. In a dream

07. "Vocal rounds by Moondog 7/4 minor g"

01. Death, when you come to me
02. Armies contending
03. Let me not be forgot
04. Sorry, so very sorry
05. Hell is not a place in the earth
06. I would bow down
07. Beasts always were great
08. Each today
09. Ebb and flow
10. Voices of spring
11. What is the answer
12. Now is that painful moment

08. "Vocal rounds by Moondog 7/4 Major G"

01. My tiny butterfly
02. Honesty is the best policy
03. You remember me
04. I would advice you
05. Why be concerned
06. Why besiege my liege
07. Wine, women and song
08. Utter silence is good
09. Seeds of Immortality
10. Solitude
11. You who
12. We two

The Madrigal Books

Madrigal Book 1

01. Bells are Ringing 5/4 5-part round, June 18, 1968
02. Voices of spring 7/4 4-part round
03. What´s the Most Exciting Thing 4/4 7-part round, June 7, 1968
04. All is loneliness 5/4 4-part round
05. My tiny butterfly 7/4 4-part round
06. Why spend a dark night with you? 5/4 4-part round
07. Coffee Beans 3/4 6-part round, June 20, 1968
08. Down is up 5/2 4-part round
09. Be a hobo 5/4 4-part round
10. Remember, remember 9/4 4-part round, June 22, 1968
11. I love you 5/8 4-part round
12. Nero´s Expedition 4/4 6-part round, June 23, 1968
13. No, the wheel was never invented 5/4 4-part round
14. With my wealth 7/8 4-part round
15. This student of life 5/2 4-part round
16. Some trust all 5/4 4-part round
17. Wine, women and song 7/4 4-part round
18. Sadness 5/8 4-part round
19. Maybe 4/4 5-part round, June 19, 1968
20. Each today 7/4 4-part round
21. Imagine 5/4 5-part round, June 16, 1968
22. You, the Vandal 7/2 4-part round, 1950's
23. Trees against the sky 5/4 4-part round
24. Behold 2/4 5-part round, June 16, 1968
25. Sparrows 5/4 5-part round, June 17, 1968

Madrigal Book 2

01. Seeds of Immortality 7/4 6-part round
02. Sure, there's one thing 5/8 4-part round
03. A Robin is Calling 4/4 4-part round, July 11, 1968
04. Death, when you come to me 7/4 4-part round
05. Promise, you will 5/8 4-part round
06. Age Cried 5/4 4-part round
07. You're just as big 7/4 4-part round
08. I must never follow you 5/4 4-part round
09. Honesty 7/4 4-part round
10. Such and such 5/2 3-part round
11. Thus the clown 5/8 4-part round
12. No matter where I came from 5/2 4-part round
13. He who Seeks Perfection 4/4 5-part round, June 27, 1968
14. You are opportunists 5/2 4-part round
15. Drops of Water 15/4 12-part round, June 27, 1968
16. Worchester calls 5/8 4-part round
17. You remember me 7/4 4-part round
18. Boy, tie a half-knot 5/8 4-part round
19. This one wish 5/2 4-part round
20. I came alone 5/4 4-part round
21. It´s Dark in the Park 4/4 9-part round, July 1, 1968
22. Hell is not a place 7/4 4-part round
23. Though I try to live 5/8 4-part round
24. Kids are Jumping 21/8 4-part round, June 28, 1968
25. Why be concerned 7/4 4-part round

Madrigal Book 3

01. C Major 4/4 6-part round, July 6, 1968
02. Think of all the thoughts 5/2 4-part round
03. The Elephant 5/4 4-part round, June 13, 1968
04. Nueremberg 4/4 15-part round, July 7, 1968
05. Looking down 5/2 4-part round
06. Water is dripping 5/8 4-part round
07. We two are two kingdoms 7/4 4-part round
08. I do not dress 5/2 3-part round
09. Why besiege 7/4 4-part round
10. Man is the joy of man 2/2 5-part round, July 17, 1968
11. I am guilty 5/2 4-part round
12. Ebb and flow 7/4 4-part round
13. Hey, Who play de Philharmonika? 4/4 5-part round, June 28, 1968
14. Like the lowly crawded 5/8 4-part round
15. Once the waltz 5/4 4-part round, July 5, 1968
16. Love me and never leave me 2/4 7-part round, July 5, 1968
17. I plucked a thorny rose 5/2 4-part round
18. What is the answer 7/4 4-part round
19. O, the Lone Tree Bombarders 4/4 3-part round, July 12, 1968
20. Sorry 7/4 4-part round
21. They speak of miracles 5/2 4-part round
22. Let me, let me not be forgot 7/4 4-part round
23. Showers are pitter-patter 4/4 4-part round, July 15, 1968
24. Beethoven´s Kreutzer Sonata 7/8 7-part round, June 28, 1968
25. Don´t Cross 4/4 3-part round, July 6, 1968

Madrigal Book 4

01. Tarantella 6/8 5-part round, July 15, 1968
02. Tell me, Sir 3/4 4-part round
03. Leave-taking 4/4 5-part round, July 16, 1968
04. Beasts always 7/4 4-part round
05. Yearning for the hills 5/4 4-part round
06. Now is that painful moment 7/4 4-part round
07. Here´s to the City Life 4/4 8-part round, June 7, 1968
08. On a mountain 5/8 4-part round
09. How I wish 2/2 6-part round, July 9, 1968
10. My loneliness bound me 5/4 4-part round
11. Standing at the door 5/8 4-part round
12. Readily said 12/8 4-part round, July 13, 1968
13. Utter silence 7/4 4-part round
14. Yellow Journalism 4/4 6-part round, July 14, 1968
15. Should I love you 5/8 4-part round
16. Let me live 6/8 4-part round, July 11, 1968
17. School taught me 5/4 4-part round
18. The tattered remnants 2/4 4-part round, July 3, 1968
19. When I die 5/8 4-part round
20. One thing about life 5/2 4-part round
21. Just small enough 5/4 3-part round
22. My Balalajka 4/4 5-part round
23. When I'm deep in sleep 5/4 4-part round, June 14, 1968
24. Stop the Golden Hord 2/2 4-part round, July 11, 1968
25. Leghorn´s Leg 6/8 4-part round, July 15, 1968

The Mother Goose Book, Volume 1
(72 songs and rounds)

Calligraphy, lettering, music notation and sketch by June Hardin, editor

From the Composer's Note:
How did I, Moondog, ever become interested in Mother Goose? Well, my interest in her dates back to my babyhood, but it was Julie Lawrence, back in 1955, who asked me to set some nursery rhymes to music which were recorded by Julie Andrews and Martin Greene (Martyn Green) with Julian Baker on flute, Moondog on drums and Mary Hardin on peddlepoint.
My daughter June, to whom this book is dedicated, was two years old at the time of the recording session in the summer of '55. That Album "Tell it Again", has been out of print for about a decade, but through the years, many people have requested a copy of the music, so that it could be taught to school children. So in January of '73, I decided I would dictate all the music from the album to my daughter, who is now nineteen...

01. This Little Pig Went to Market 4/4, 2-part round with introduction
02. Lucy Locket 4/8, 2-part round with introduction
03. Humpty Dumpty 3/4, 5-part round with introduction
04. Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son 3/8, 2-part round with introducion
05. I'll tell You a Story 7/4, 2-part round
06. A, B, C 4/4, 2-part round with introduction
07. One, Two, Three 4/4, 2-part round with introduction
08. Little Boy Blue 5/4, 2-part round with introduction
09. Georgy Porgy 2/4, 2-part round with introduction
10. There Was an Old Woman 3/8, with introduction
11. Star Light 5/4, with introduction
12. Ride a Cock Horse 3/8, 2-part round
13. Cock-a-doodle-doo 6/8, 2-part round with 2-part canon introduction
14. Great A 2/4, 2-part round
15. To Market, To Market 3/8, with introduction
16. Inkivao, Inkivao 2/4, 2-part round
17. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star 5/4, with introduction
18. Mother Goose´s Geese 4/4, 2-part round with introduction
19. As I went to Bonner 2/4, 2-part round
20. Whisky Frisky 2/4, 2-part round
21. Ba, ba, Black Sheep 2/4, 2-part round
22. Bow, Wow, Wow! 2/4, 2-part round
23. Little Nanny Etticoat 2/4, 2-part round with introduction
24. The Rose is Red 4/4, with introduction
25. Rock-a-bye, Baby 3/2, with ontroduction
26. Two Cats 5/4, with introduction
27. Hot Boiled Beans 4/4, 2-part round
28. Three Wise Men 5/4, 2-part round
29. Brave News 6/8, 2 part round
30. As Tommy Snooks 5/4, with introduction
31. Here am I 2/4, 2-part round
32. The Herring 7/4, 2-part round
33. There was an Old Man 4/4, 2-part round
34. Of all the Gay Birds 6/8, 2-part round
35. There´s Sulky Sue - When Jack 6/8, Song in 3 voices
36. Pussy Cat 3/4, 2-part round
37. Lady-bird, Lady-bird 3/4, 2-part round
38. A Cat 3/4, 2-part round, with introduction
39. Daffy-down-Dilly 4/8, 2-part round
40. Little Jack Horner, Little Miss Muffet, Hey, Diddle, Diddle 4/8, Song with 3 voices
41. Little Tommy Tittlemouse 2/4, 2-part round
42. There Was a Little Boy 4/4, 2-part round
43. If I had a Little donkey 5/4, with introduction
44. Baby Bye 4/4, 2-part round
45. If all the world 5/4, 2-part round
46. The Little Bird of Paradise 7/4, with introduction
47. Oh where 3/4, with introduction
48. Bat, Bat 3/4, 2-part round
49. For Every Evil 5/8, with introduction
50. There was an Old Woman 3/4, 2-part round
51. Thirty Days 5/4, with introduction
52. Is Jack the Giant Killer? 4/4, 2-part round
53. The A.B.C´s 4/2 and 4/4 in unison
54. Jack and Jill 5/4, with introduction
55. Little Bo Peep 5/4, with introduction
56. Hickety, Pickety 3/4, 2-part round
57. Mary, Mary 4/2, with introduction
58. How Many Days 3/4, with introduction
59. Mary had a Little Lamb 2/2, 2-part round
60. A Dillar a Dollar 3/8, with introduction
61. Jack be Nimble 3/8, 2-part round
62. Multiplication 4/2, with introduction
63. About the Bush, Willie 2/4, 2-part round
64. Hickory Dickory Dock 5/4, with introduction
65. Cuckoo 4/4, 2-part round with introduction
66. Old Mother Hubbard 2/4, 2-part round
67. Hark! Hark! 6/8, 2-part round with introduction
68. Peter Peter 6/8, with introduction
69. Jack Sprat 4/4, 2-part round
70. Dance Little Baby 4/8, two 2-part rounds in unison
71. Sand Man 4/2, with extra couplet
72. Tell it Again 3/8, 2-part round with introduction

5 Songs, Words by Ellen Ayers,
Music by Moondog

01. Woopsie, Daisy 2/4, 2-part round
02. Pots and Pans 3/4, 2-part round
03. Naughty Baby Elephant 2/4. 2-part round
04. Today 5/4, 2-part round
05. Bing, Bing, Bing 4/4, 2-part round

Moondog, 16 Kanons (in German), 1974

01. Wer anderen eine Grube gräbt
02. Das Küken möchte klüger als die Henne sein
03. Wer einmal lügt, dem glaubt man nicht
04. Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund
05. Wer im Glashaus sitzt, ...
06. Eine Schwalbe macht noch keinen Sommer
07. Zu viele Köche verderben den Brei
08. Nicht alles was glänzt ist Gold
09. Hasen schlafen mit offenen Augen
10. Scherben bringen Glück
11. Grün wird nicht grüner
12. Man soll den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben
13. Der dümmste Bauer hat die größten Kartoffeln
14. Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm
15. Faules Mädchen, langes Fädchen
16. Wer den Heller nicht ehrt, ...

Spruchweisheiten aus aller Welt (in German)

18 Kanons von Louis Hardin genannt Moondog, 1977, Neuauflage 2007

01. Heißt es brüllen, spiel nicht Flöte
02. Das Kamel sieht nur des anderen Höcker
03. Wasser in der Ferne löscht kein Feuer in der Nähe
04. Man wird nie zu alt zum Lernen
05. Wer sich des Wolfes will erwehren, ...
06. Erst such´ die Sache zu verstehen, ...
07. Es ist nichts so fein gesponnen, ...
08. Die Schlange braucht das Kriechen nicht zu lernen
09. Der Fisch, den man nicht fängt, ist immer groß
10. Im Dunkeln werden alle Wege länger
11. Wen die Schlange mal gebissen, ...
12. In böser Zeit sind Freunde weit
13. Der Zorn verkürzt das Leben
14. Alles verstehen heißt alles verzeihen
15. Rede wahr, dann aber sieh, dass du fort kommst
16. Mit nassem Holz lässt sich kein Feuer machen
17. Ein Hund fängt an zu bellen, ...
18. Irren ist menschlich

H´Art Songs

Opus 82, 1- 10, 1977

01. I'm just a Hop Head, 1977
02. High on a Rocky Ledge
03. Do Your Thing, 1977
04. Enough About Human Rights, 1977
05. I´m This, I´m That, 1977
06. Aska Me, 1977
07. I´m In the World, 1977
08. Here´s to John Wesley Hardin
09. Choo-Choo Lullaby
10. Pigmy Pig (2 versions, old and new)

Navigators Of The World (45 rounds)

© 1979 by Hardin - Goebel

01. Navigators of the world! 4/4 6-part round, February 1971
02. When early Gothic tribesmen 2/2 6-part round, February 17, 1970
03. Four thousand years ago 4/2 8-part round, February 24, 1979
04. Rollo was too big 2/2 9-part round, February 28, 1979
05. Ten Legs 4/2 5-part round, July 22, 1968
06. Birch-bark warcanoe 4/4 6-part round, March 1, 1979
07. Up and away 6/8 6-part round, March 18, 1970
08. Sail down! Oars out! 2/2 5-part round, August 21, 1971
09. Der Mensch ist die Freude 4/4 4-part round, March 1974
10. The first contributions 4/2 4-part round, July 20, 1968
11. Thor struggled with ... 4/4 7-part round, July 15, 1968
12. Oxford´s playing politix 2/2 3-part round, February 22, 1979
13. How could Runic writing 5/4 5-part round, December 18, 1971
14. Karlsefni's Colony 5/4 5-part round, February 16, 1973
15. Over the mountain 2/2 4-part round, July 24, 1968
16. Ragnarök is coming 2/2 12-part round, February 28, 1979
17. Viking age 4/4 8-part round, February 25, 1979
18. Minnesota Rune Stone! 4/4 4-part round, March 1, 1979
19. Join the church or die! 2/2 4-part double round,Dec. 9, 1971
20. Ding - Dong 2/2 9-part round, July 9, 1968
21. Saxons the Foe 2/2 4-part round, July 15, 1968
22. Heart broken 4/4 6-part round, January 4, 1972
23. See the Alps 2/2 4-part round, July 11, 1968
24. That Russia came from "Ruslag" 2/2 5-part round, July 12, 1968
25. The Middle Sea 5/4 5-part round, July 9, 1968
26. Whoever thought up 2/2 12-part round, March 4, 1979
27. How did Redskins 2/2 4-part round, July 30, 1971
28. What is the name 2/2 6-part round, July 18, 1968
29. Danegelt? 4/2 4-part round, December 20, 1971
30. My America 5/4 6-part round, April 4, 1970
31. Erica´s melting pot 5/4 6-part round, February 11, 1971
32. Hedeby´s Dead! 2/2 5-part round, September 2, 1971
33. Afurore 4/4 5-part round, January 29, 1979
34. Give me back my legions 2/2 6-part round, 1972
34b. Give me back my legions 18-part round version
35. How could archeologists 5/4 4-part round, January 4, 1972
36. Vikings, hurry 4/4 6-part round, November 25, 1971
37. Sieh den großen Baum 2/2 9-part round, February 1974
37b. See the mighty tree 10-part round version
38. If you think that Sanskrit 5/4 4-part round, November 29, 1971
39. Burri, Borr 2/2 5-part round, July 21, 1974
40. Charlemagne 2/2 5-part round, July 15, 1968
41. Take advantage of the snow 4/4 4-part round, February 15, 1970
42. Open your window up 4/4 4-part round, July 10, 1968
43. Group libel 7/4 4-part round, February 23, 1975
44. Black holes 4/4 4-part round, March 1, 1979
45. Live and learn the art 2/2 5-part round, February 21, 1973

Canons And Couplets, Booklet of 10 rounds

Op. 46, No. 1 -10, © 1979

01. The Waterfall said to me ("The Cascade") 5/2 4-part round
02. My Whippoorwill 4/4 4-part round
03. See with me 5/4 4-part round
04. What's the name 2/2 3-part round
05. Runny mead´ll 4/4 4-part round
06. Winter Wind 5/4 4-part round
07. Hey Mountain Climber 4/4 6-part round
08. A little here, a little there 2/4 6-part round
09. She Was Too Beautiful 5/2 4-part round
10. Armies Contending 7/4 4-part round

Hardin Cards, Booklet of 10 canons

Op.47, No. 1 - 10, © 1979

01. Tonight Santa is coming 2/4 4-part round
02. Now is the time 4/4 4-part round
03. Happy Birthday 4/4 4-part round
04. I hear you have it bad 4/4 5-part round
05. Tra-la-la 3/4 6-part round
06. Let me love you more and more 2/2 5-part round
07. Time will heal all Wounds 2/2 5-part round
08. Dry leaves 2/2 5-part round
09. Look! See the wee bonny bunny 4/4 4-part round
10. Spring is Here 4/4 3-part round

Ernst Fuchs (in German)

Songs with piano accompaniments, © 1983

01. Bedenkend
02. Blick nach vorne
03. Das Lied
04. Die Alte Welt
05. Die Schönste Sache
06. Hört, Ihr Richter
07. Ich bin gegen den Strom geschwommen
08. Mein Traum
09. Und Jüngst
10. Verstehet
11. Walzerklänge

Songs for Stefan Lakatos, 1988

01. Thor and the Midgard Serpent 5/4, 4-part, 1988
02. Hnossa 4/4, 4-part, 1988
03. Out of the Mouth 5/8, 4-part, 1988
04. Cinderella 5/4, 7-part round, 1988
'Cinderella' is the longest and most difficult round ever written by Moondog.

Other rounds (madrigals) in alphabetical order.

01. All at Once 2/2 5-part round, 1968
02. BACH 2/2, 6-part round
03. Back 6/4, 8-part, publ. 1996
04. Bifrost (The Rainbow Bridge) 5/4, 4-part round, Stockholm, Sweden, 2/2, 6-part round, June 1981
05. Buster 4/4, 4-part round, 1968
06. Cabbage 3/4, 4-part canon, May 16, 1968
07. Cut out the Curse 4/4, 6-part round, March 2 1980/Oer-Erkenschwick, May 24, 1992
08. Day 4/4, 5-part, in Madison, Wisconsin, September 1972
09. Dear Glazenoff 4/4 5-part, February 8, 1970
10. Dig a Pond 5/4, 4-part, July 3, 1972
11. DNAliens 5/4, 4-part, publ. 1996
12. Don´t Kick a Dead Horse 5/4, 4-part July 17, 1968
13. Eskimo 2/2, 3-part, N.Y.C. February 23, 1973
14. Fancy 3/4, 7-part
15. Flags in the meadow 2/2, 5-part. April 20, 1970
16. Go, run along and play 4/4, 5-part, March 30, 1970
17. Hear the Coo coo 2/2, 8-part round
18. I´m in Love 5/4, 6-part round
19. I´ve angled many a fish 5/4, 5-part, March 29, 1970
22. Icebergs 2/2, 5-part, W55st. March 29, 1970
21. Love me and leave me 5/4, 4-part, published 1996
22. Meet the Man 4/4, 4-part, Oer-Erkenschwick, May 20, 1992
23. Mine uranium 5/4, 5-part round. Publ. 1996?
24. Mockingbird 2/2, 6-part round
25. Modern Man 4/4, 4-part, publ. 1996
26. My Geigercounter 2/4, 5-part round. Publ. 1996?
27. Napoleon 4/4, 4-part, February 14, 1970
28. Nimby 4/4, 4-part, publ. 1996
29. North, south, east and west 4/4, 5-part, Oer-Erkenschwick, May 21, 1992/April 16, 1996
30. One Tchernobyl 4/4, 4-part, publ. 1996
31. Opening Pandora´s box 4/4, 4-part, Oer-Erkenschwick, May 20, 1992/April 13, 1996
32. Pandora´s Boxers 5/4, 10-part, publ. 1996
33. Peace be with yo 2/2, 8-part, publ. 1996
34. Regarding Global Warming 4/4, 5-part, publ. 1996
35. Robin, someone said 4/4, 5-part, June 9, 1972
36. See the Tree Yggdrasil 5/4, Stockholm, June 1981
37. Sparrows 5/4, 5-part, June 17, 1968
38. Sparrows "cheeping" 4/4, 4-part, July 23, 1968
39. Tell me, tell me 5/4, 4-part round, Publ. 1996
40. To Listen 7/2, 4-part, publ. in the 1950´s
41. Try to fly as the witch 3/4, 5-part, May 1978
42. Up the Hill 4/4, 5-part, June 22, 1972
43. Weather-cock, feather-clock 2/2, 5-part, August 2, 1969
44. With 2/2, 4-part, 1968
45. Zero Growth 2/2, 5-part, publ. 1996


01. Santa Fé
02. Cock A Doodle Doo
03. Prince Edward's Isle
04. Speak Of Heaven
05. I Want A Waltz
06. Hymn to Peace (Lied)

more in progress